Citata #308 Lietuvos ambasada Japonijoje informuoja…
Iš Lietuvos ambasados Japonijoje pranešimo spaudai (pranešimas skelbiamas tik anglų kalba):
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the collapse of communism in Europe and the end of the Cold War. One of the leaders of this historical process, Vytautas Landsbergis, is on a visit to Japan between 19 and 23 of November. Vytautas Landsbergis, Lithuanian politician and Member of the European Parliament was the first Head of State of Lithuania after its independence declaration from the Soviet Union.
Professor Landsbergis is world famous politician active in political arena for almost two decades. He proclaimed and implemented the concept of moral politics and non–violent fight for democracy, freedom and independence. Under his leadership Lithuania resisted the armed violence and blockade of the former Soviet Union and contributed to the demolition of the Soviet Union and liberalization of Europe.
… Tikrai nuoširdžiai gerbiu V.Landsbergį ir vis dar manau, kad jis yra vienas iškiliausių visų laikų Lietuvos politikų. Ir labai noriu tikėti, kad jis neprisidėjo prie šio pranešimo rengimo…