Citata #71 V.Adamkus įvertino ES užsienio politiką: be JAV nieko nebus
Iš Lietuvos prezidento Valdo Adamkaus pareiškimo po rugsėjo 29 susitikimo su JAV prezidentu G.W Bush:
Now, we definitely have some problems, like you just indicated with the press, about energy. We’re trying to resolve it. Hopefully we will, with your help. And since we need United States presence more as I indicated to you, European Union is coming up with own foreign policies and policies for Europe. But without United States presence, definitely that will be job not completed. So I hope that the United States will be visible, just like I ask you if the United States will be more visible in the Baltic region over there just to show our neighbors that we definitely be not alone.
Gal ir negražu taip apie save… Juk Lietuva, atrodo, vis dar ES narė, o ne 52-oji valstija.