Viešieji ryšiai V:Premjeras kalba angliškai – yes
Remarks with Lithuanian Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas before their meeting
Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Washington, DC
July 2, 2008

SECRETARY RICE: And we have a lot that we do together and I look forward to talking about that today.
PRIME MINISTER KIRKILAS: Yes, of course. You know, before in my previous capacity as a Defense Minister, so, of course, I have many, many contacts and (inaudible). And it is time we made some very important decisions.
First of all, PRT in Afghanistan, in Ghor province, which is, I believe, quite a successful mission for the (inaudible). Of course, it’s a huge responsibility for a small country. But in this time we must to take such decision because it was our first steps to the PRT enlargement in Afghanistan. And I believe that it was and still it is very important there to keep peace in this country. And we have today 120 of our soldiers, good relations local authorities; of course, some problem, which I would like to discuss with you. Because since you’re in a small country, of course, a — military mission very successful. But we need, of course, more financial support for the mission.
SECRETARY RICE: Yes. And we will be talking about – we’ll let you all go now and thank you.
MR. MCCORMACK: Thanks guys.
QUESTION: Secretary Rice, first, how are your negotiations going with the Poles? Do you think you’re going to get a missile defense deal?
SECRETARY RICE: Thank you. Thanks very much.
MR. MCCORMACK: Good try.
Released on July 2, 2008